Why the HOME Shelter? Early Iterations High Tech Version Low Tech Version  

Solidworks Models


Rockwell Richards, a URI senior majoring in mechanical engineering, developed the next iteration of Solidworks models. Here is a sample.
This isometric view shows the assembled HOME minus the roof splines that connect the roof panels (we're still working on that!). The black pipes you see on the perimeter of the roof are the Corex flexible pipes that collect the water runoff from all over the roof and channel it into the rain barrel downspout.


Assembled HOME Shelter with rain recovery barrel
This interior view shows the built-in shelving suspended from the ceiling plus the built-in fold-down / flip up table. The center post is a pipe on a base that holds up the roof and the power cap. The power cap holds all the electronics. A solar panel is mounted on top. Very simple construction. Very simple maintenance.
Interior view
Here's the power cap showing the electronic packages inside the down ring for protection. The solar panel is attached to the top piece of plywood for easy installation.
Power cap with electronics
You're looking at the assembled roof with power cap and five (5) electronic packages installed. The electronics are protected by the inner ring of 2x4 risers. This protects the wiring and electronics from environmental and human caused damage. The cutout is for access to the double socket used for 110 volt connections. The double holes that look like eyes are for rope ties that hold up the suspended shelving.
Interior of the power cap
Why LooLoo? Why the HOME Shelter?
LooLoo Report YouTube Video
YouTube Video Solidwork Models
YouTube Video Slide Notes Building Our Prototype
Power Point Slides with Note Pages Articles and Comments
Power Point Show Shelter Design Documents
LooLoo Documents Resume